Greek workers, calling them lazy, and that they're rewarded for laziness.
And you know what? Most usually-sharp Greeks sheepishly accepted this.
There was the myth that Greeks got 14 monthly paychecks, including
two months' bonus.
If everybody gets it, it's not a bonus.
It's just a way of apportioning a very low paycheck
now starting below 700 Euros x 12= 8 400 euros
WOW, I'm rich and lazy!
The only benefit of the system was that there were
these 'extra' payments, at holiday times:
Easter, summer, Christmas
what a surprise!
Just when Greeks need it,
because Greeks buy gifts (no irony intended) *see below
Wake the f%&*k up!
Oh, it's too late, the "BONUS" is now officially gone.
You just lost 14% of your paycheck without a fight!
Enjoy the undeclared inflation. Idiots.
If everybody gets it, it's not a bonus.
It's just a way of apportioning a very low paycheck
now starting below 700 Euros x 12= 8 400 euros
WOW, I'm rich and lazy!
The only benefit of the system was that there were
these 'extra' payments, at holiday times:
Easter, summer, Christmas
what a surprise!
Just when Greeks need it,
because Greeks buy gifts (no irony intended) *see below
Wake the f%&*k up!
Oh, it's too late, the "BONUS" is now officially gone.
You just lost 14% of your paycheck without a fight!
Enjoy the undeclared inflation. Idiots.
* Try to get a xenos to buy a gift and it ends up being a "kekki, mori"
but, I digress.