Saturday, 16 July 2011

nobody gets 14 months of pay per year

This has to do with the bullshit that foreigners have been spouting about
Greek workers, calling them lazy, and that they're rewarded for laziness.

And you know what? Most usually-sharp Greeks sheepishly accepted this.

There was the myth that Greeks got 14 monthly paychecks, including
two months' bonus.


If everybody gets it, it's not a bonus.
It's just a way of apportioning a very low paycheck
now starting below 700 Euros x 12= 8 400 euros
WOW, I'm rich and lazy!

The only benefit of the system was that there were
these 'extra' payments, at holiday times:
Easter, summer, Christmas
what a surprise!
Just when Greeks need it,
because Greeks buy gifts (no irony intended) *see below

Wake the f%&*k up!
Oh, it's too late, the "BONUS" is now officially gone.
You just lost 14% of your paycheck without a fight!
Enjoy the undeclared inflation. Idiots.

* Try to get a xenos to buy a gift and it ends up being a "kekki, mori"

but, I digress.