Tuesday, 28 August 2012

THE GREEKS OF THE Crisis, part 2. Kiriakou

Although this fellow wasn't part of the financial crisis, he is fighting
the same oligarchs.
There's a former CIA agent who was not happy
with waterboarding, that formerly secret
practice used for getting unreliable information
from illegally-kept "terrorist" prisoners.

Well, that will cost him 5 years in jail.

check 'em: Liberty blitzkrieg
Have You Heard of John Kiriakou?
Posted on July 5, 2012        
As someone who considers himself reasonably informed of the machinations of the criminal oligarchy running the United States of America these days, I am consistently surprised by how uninformed I still am in many ways.  The case of ex-CIA agent John Kiriakou and the government’s witch hunt over his case is a perfect example.
One of the most disturbing yet encouraging things happening in America (and the world) today is the emergence of sophisticated and courageous whistleblowers and the subsequent attempts of the oligarchy to attack them and ruin their lives.  Over a year ago, I wrote a piece about the soon to emerge whistleblowing theme titled The Whistleblower Trend has Begun: Next up Backstabbing.
The sad little criminals in power are understandably terrified of this trend and are using their old playbook methods to go after them, but they do not understand the hopelessness of these tactics.  Social media, the internet and technology in general just make it too easy to leak stuff and expose criminality to hundreds of millions and soon to be billions of people in minutes.  This trend cannot be stopped and is why TPTB and their minions will be swept away into the dustbin of history.
The propaganda line that really gets my blood boiling is when minions in the media and the whores in Washington D.C. use the line “national security” as a reason to crack down on freedom of speech.  This is obviously a ploy to play on the emotions and ignorance of the sheeple population that doesn’t understand “national security” simply means the security of the 0.01% oligarchy to remain in power and rob and pillage the rest of humanity.
Anyway, please take the time to read the story in the Huffington Post of John Kiriakou and support him and other whistleblowers like Thomas Drake (ex-NSA) in any way you can.
Key quotes:
John Kiriakou is a 14-year CIA veteran who, until his indictment, was best known for publicly rejecting the Bush administration’s Orwellian doublespeak about “enhanced interrogation.” In a 2007 ABC News interview, Kiriakou became the first person directly involved in the handling of terror suspects to call waterboarding at the CIA’s hands what it was — torture.
Fitzgerald’s use of the Espionage Act is in keeping with the Department of Justice’s crackdown on leaks to reporters. And the Obama administration has now used the Espionage Act six times to prosecute disclosures to journalists — more than all previous presidential administrations combined.
Adler, who writes about the expansion of executive power, said that in both the Libby and Kiriakou cases, Fitzgerald fell short of his obligation to prosecute abuses of power. “It’s bizarre to me that those who were involved in waterboarding have been granted immunity, and now Kiriakou’s going to be prosecuted for leaking information that exposed illegal actions,” Adler said.
“Even if torture works, it cannot be tolerated — not in one case or a thousand or a million,” he wrote. “If their efficacy becomes the measure of abhorrent acts, all sorts of unspeakable crimes somehow become acceptable. … There are things we should not do, even in the name of national security.”
Kirakou’s supporters, including many open-government advocates, said he’s being punished for his whistleblowing. The CIA — through Fitzgerald and the Department of Justice — is trying to chill critical speech, they said.
Full article here.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Its tough to kill a Greek through starvation. Ask the Nazis

For a people who eat the same type of weeds that Westerners
put weed killer on, It's tough to wipe out these people, which is
what the Troika is doing inadvertently, or purposefully.


StephanEwald @StephanEwald
No comment. Greek Cookbook: Starvation Recipes — recipes of occupied Greece 1941-1945 (Best Seller)[?] http://bit.ly/MS3iRE @yanisvaroufakis

the author's webpage:
Starvation Recipes (Recipes of the occupied Greece 1941-1945),
by Helen Nikolaidou, History prof. (BEST SELLER)
It's the ultimate belt-tightening handbook: No Meat? Push an eggplant through  the grinder instead. Chew your food long enough for your stomach to feel full.
And don't forget to sweep crumbs off your table and into a jar.
The author, Helen Nikolaidou, 50, is a History Professor who has written  dozens of books.

 "Starvation Recipes" or "Recipes of occupied (by Nazi) Greece" is a well documented work that describes the life and the diet of Athenians (Athens is the  capital of Greece) during the occupation.

Nazi brought famine (among death, etc) to occupied Greeks who had to  improvise in order to escape death from hunger.
The newspaper of that time used to publish "Starvation Recipes" (as it's the  book's title in Greece).

Friday, 24 August 2012

Greek heroes of the crisis: Koutoulas

though the average Greek resident is now braver
that most Europeans will ever be, there are some
heroes who have made their mark by doing 
what's right.

Huffington post 
Joshua M. Brown
25 Most Dangerous People in Financial Media
12. James Koutoulas (Commodity Customers Coalition)
Last fall, James was minding his own business running a commodities-trading firm when the collapse of MF Global began and one day 50 of his clients had their accounts frozen by the scrambling morons who were at that sinking ship attempting to clean up the multi-billion mess created by CEO Jon Corzine. Koutoulas was so infuriated by the blatant screwing over of his customers that he became a fixture at all of the bankruptcy hearings, not to mention a fixture in the dumbfounded media who worked overtime to explain exactly what went wrong at the brokerage firm and why it never should have been permitted to happen.

IGC University Lesson 4 Varoufakis on Depression

I don't know whether this interview occured just before or after the BBC interview, where the London office cut him off for truthing about the fraud that is the Greek elections while the Troika actually runs the country. How do I know? From the disgusting shirt he wore in both interviews. Nevertheless, his ideas are fresh and he kicks Economic and Political ass. here's the BBC with its shepherd's crook around Yiani's neck.

reporters without borders

the supershow with all the alternative economic successes,
has finally been found.

I really enjoyed the show. Even if you don't understand Greek
you can almost understand just by watching. And it's not
just about Greece.
There's an Italian lady who lives without money, buy exchanging
work for food.
There's a Barcelona cooperative that took over a derelict
building and gave otherwise poor people a place to call

Αλληλεγγύη: Το αντίδοτο στη φτώχεια by tvxorissinora

Monday, 20 August 2012

Greek gov probably aided Olympic demise

There was the story of the young lady long jumper, who, though
very sexy and with good photos on the Net (coming soon), had
friends in the Golden Dawn party. Once that was proven, by
none other than a Twitter tweet, she was canned. She was
heading for a medal in London, but had to settle for a pizza
and a tv set tuned to the Games.

Another guy was a male high-jumper who got GOLD in
the March Euro championships, I think. He was dope tested
but the results arrived 3 months too late, and on the day
before the start of the Olympics, so that he would have
no time to mount a defence.
I believe the Greek government had a hand in this because
upon winning in March, the jumper and his dad insulted
the government for its complete lack of support for this

News articles soon

Medal count for Greece: 2 bronze