Monday, 27 August 2012

Its tough to kill a Greek through starvation. Ask the Nazis

For a people who eat the same type of weeds that Westerners
put weed killer on, It's tough to wipe out these people, which is
what the Troika is doing inadvertently, or purposefully.


StephanEwald @StephanEwald
No comment. Greek Cookbook: Starvation Recipes — recipes of occupied Greece 1941-1945 (Best Seller)[?] @yanisvaroufakis

the author's webpage:
Starvation Recipes (Recipes of the occupied Greece 1941-1945),
by Helen Nikolaidou, History prof. (BEST SELLER)
It's the ultimate belt-tightening handbook: No Meat? Push an eggplant through  the grinder instead. Chew your food long enough for your stomach to feel full.
And don't forget to sweep crumbs off your table and into a jar.
The author, Helen Nikolaidou, 50, is a History Professor who has written  dozens of books.

 "Starvation Recipes" or "Recipes of occupied (by Nazi) Greece" is a well documented work that describes the life and the diet of Athenians (Athens is the  capital of Greece) during the occupation.

Nazi brought famine (among death, etc) to occupied Greeks who had to  improvise in order to escape death from hunger.
The newspaper of that time used to publish "Starvation Recipes" (as it's the  book's title in Greece).