[if you watch it on youtube, it's in 3 parts.]
This show by Alex Jones talks to Max Keiser on the 6th floor of the Grande Bretagne Hotel, next to the Greek parliament. He went to Greece to give a speech, and happened to be watching
at the time when the
agents provocateurs came out to riot.
They look like anarchists,
except that they perform
when they are asked to do so.
They were used to distract the Greeks
and the foreign news-watchers so
that the avatars had a chance to say once again
'bad Greeks' 'they must pay'.
"Now, a message from our wonderful sponsors,
Swindler Bank"
Keiser introduced two brave fellows
George Noulas and Kyriakos Tobras
who have all the documents showing how
the Greek government was giving money to bankers
and their friends, IN ORDER FOR GREECE
to go further into debt and to give
PM Pap an excuse to bring in the IMF.
Those guys didn't get much of a chance to tell their story,
but just follow maxkeiser.com
and you'll get the info.
Keiser also talked about how he met Steve Forbes
of the magazine of the same name.
He's loaded rich and went to Greece
to chat with his friends in the International Chamber of Commerce,
about how to chop up Greece and buy it for
next to nothing.
The title above is Keiser's phrase and I guess
he's right. Greece is a test case of a small, Western,
first world government that is corrupt enough
to allow bankers to swindle its own people.
In fact, PASOK is profitting from the crisis.
Fortunately, not many of them want to go down in history
as the people that sold off what remains of Greece's wealth,
nor to be the ones to sign away Greece's sovereign right to default.
Corruption is corruption, but historical mistakes
will shame their families for centuries.
The proper democrats are in Syntagma Square and calling to the gov.
They are watching the gov.
They know what's going on inside and who is pulling the strings.
[williambanzai7 from zerohedge]
This is a test of the NWO system.
If Greece falls into line, then it will tried in Ireland, Portugal and so on.
It was the same system that was tried repeatedly in the Third World,
the most famous case being Argentina (not quite Third).
So, everybody knows to follow Argentina's model
of relatively peaceful revolution.
Out in the square.
Talk. bang pots. watch. learn.
They look like anarchists,
except that they perform
when they are asked to do so.
They were used to distract the Greeks
and the foreign news-watchers so
that the avatars had a chance to say once again
'bad Greeks' 'they must pay'.
"Now, a message from our wonderful sponsors,
Swindler Bank"
Keiser introduced two brave fellows
George Noulas and Kyriakos Tobras
who have all the documents showing how
the Greek government was giving money to bankers
and their friends, IN ORDER FOR GREECE
to go further into debt and to give
PM Pap an excuse to bring in the IMF.
Those guys didn't get much of a chance to tell their story,
but just follow maxkeiser.com
and you'll get the info.
Keiser also talked about how he met Steve Forbes
of the magazine of the same name.
He's loaded rich and went to Greece
to chat with his friends in the International Chamber of Commerce,
about how to chop up Greece and buy it for
next to nothing.
The title above is Keiser's phrase and I guess
he's right. Greece is a test case of a small, Western,
first world government that is corrupt enough
to allow bankers to swindle its own people.
In fact, PASOK is profitting from the crisis.
Fortunately, not many of them want to go down in history
as the people that sold off what remains of Greece's wealth,
nor to be the ones to sign away Greece's sovereign right to default.
Corruption is corruption, but historical mistakes
will shame their families for centuries.
The proper democrats are in Syntagma Square and calling to the gov.
They are watching the gov.
They know what's going on inside and who is pulling the strings.

This is a test of the NWO system.
If Greece falls into line, then it will tried in Ireland, Portugal and so on.
It was the same system that was tried repeatedly in the Third World,
the most famous case being Argentina (not quite Third).
So, everybody knows to follow Argentina's model
of relatively peaceful revolution.
Out in the square.
Talk. bang pots. watch. learn.