With classics waning these days, and departments closing
in many Western univerisities, the very crisis which is
killing Greece is bringing back all the great stories of
ancient Greece and its mythology.
This crisis is the way to teach the world of ancient greek
Just in the last 2 days, I've heard of:
2 metaphors for the Greek disaster from Zeus Yiamouyiannis
(from oftwominds blog)
and the assorted "Greek tragedy and Greek comedy" quips,
and the "marathon" 14-hour discussions, for what purpose?
to save Greece. Ollie Rehn, that impudent pig, mentioned it
in the same breath as the subjugation of the country
that he grew up idolising.
School is opening here soon. Stay tuned.

[Trojan horse- we're from the Troika and we're here to help]