Wednesday, 22 February 2012

no growth and no oil, but wait a minute

As we know, Greece is being squeezed from all sides.
It's not enough that the country will be enslaved
for the foreseeable future, unless a default becomes
necessary, but the EU has decided to pick a fight
with Iran.

Why does that matter? The deeper story is that oil
companies want a credit note in order to send
anybody some oil. Greece's banks have been emptied
of original money, are now zombies, and are being
fed money through the back door, to keep this EU
charade going. As a result, Greece's banks cannot
raise a proper credit note without causing laughter
in the halls of other banks. No note, no oil.
Bye-bye all the big dealers, and welcome to Iranian
oil. Iran is willing to give oil on credit.

But now, Iran is country-non-grata in the EU.
So, by July the refineries will run dry.

Unless.... a miracle happens. Greece is thankfully full of those.
Now that diesel cars can run on vegetable oil, then Greece can
make a lot of its own "motion lotion" from its own crop of olive oil.

And while veg oil, if given to a human, is a dangerous substance,
olive oil will make you and your car last longer.

And that's not the best part. The clincher is the financialisation
of this new market.

olive oil derivatives

that's how we'll get in the big leagues.
We can use derivatives to screw other countries out of their money,
like they're doing to us.