Tuesday 22 December 2015

In a state of suspended Gamification

There can be no other words for these past 5 years, in Greece.
Not even the brief Syriza spring of 2015 (Jan to July),has
changed the fact that Greece is a neo-liberal Lab of Goebbels.

Greeks are the Gerbils and the Troika are the Goebbels.

It has been said that the once Fin Min Varoufakis was an
expert in Game Theory. Actually, he rejected Game Theory
as being limited, but nevertheless he had to be an expert
in order to see that it's trash. Nevertheless, he was accused
of trying to Game the Troika.

Other opinions, mostly in Greece, see his "defense of the realm"
as little more than theatre, with the benefit to Varoufakis of
world fame. Perhaps it's true.

However, the fact remains, if you translate/calque the words
Game Theory and Gamification (noun for using Game Theory)
you get , in Greek
Fuck Theory and Fuckification.

If you see the pic above, you have the Greek in his armchair
(or suspended above it) being forced to watch the downfall
of his little country (which he viewed as the centre of the universe
now that it was in the EU),  one bankruptcy
at a time. The media, now happy that Syriza is playing the
 Gamification, are fully trying to use any euphemism in order
to keep Greeks from realising what is going on, on a daily
basis, to their country, so that they'll still buy shit from the
e.g. 1
Last week, thanks to a new Syriza law, foreign vulture funds
were able to pay (the Troika) whatever they wanted for the
4 big Greek banks, which were il-liquid anyway. Now,
coupled with the Bilder-born EU-enforced bank law,
foreign banks can now legally rip off whatever Greek
savings they want to without so much as an excuse.
e.g. 2
Thanks to a recorded session between Varoufakis and 
interlocutors about the future of Greece (held in May/June 
of 2015?) we found out that the keys to the Greek 
Treasury were held by the Troika. So, any tax money
(read: idiot tax) were taken directly by the Troika. So 
Varoufakis (even though he never told the public) was a 
Fin Min with no Fin. Not even a fin (i.e. 5 bucks).
e.g. more to come